This is the title of my new musical composition for Rosario de Cádiz dedicated to the Brotherhood of the Santísimo Cristo de la Sed, specifically to the “50th Anniversary of the Brotherhood of Nervión”, on the occasion of such an important date, the Ntra. Mrs. del Rosario Coronada de Cádiz Cornets and Drums Band, wants to be a participant and honor the Sevillian Brotherhood for this event, with the incorporation of a new procession march entitled “Cristo”.

A triumphal march, with passages full of life and strength, which undoubtedly represent the portentous image of the Santísimo Cristo de la Sed, combined with other sweeter and more emotional ones, reminding us of the beautiful face of the María Santísima de Consolación, Mother of church.
The premiere of the procession march will take place in the traditional concert of brotherhood marches organized by the brotherhood gathering “Al Palo” of the capital of Cadiz, next Tuesday, April 2 at the Gran Teatro Falla.